Company of heroes 2 trench map
Company of heroes 2 trench map

company of heroes 2 trench map

The devs have announced that it will be getting a update so this could all eventually become out if date info. The Germans have all that but the gas, instead they have their own armored LMG guy that’s cheaper and faster then tanks. For example, the Bri’ish have the base units, snipers, artillery, tanks and gas. Creating your own map is a little lacking with only being able choose difficulty, starting money, map size and available troops, troop are affected by each faction you choose. You can choose a campaign mode or make your own maps. I really like this game, the gameplay is simple.

company of heroes 2 trench map

Oh and can we get some planes? Anyways y’all have a great game but it needs some tweaks. Like having a setting where you can choose when a certain gets somewhere or dies something will happen like bombs or tank shots. Also can the tank barracaides actually work? Like have a number of tanks to get past it or have a bunch of AI move it. Oh and we need more armies because I would to make a ww3 reniacment but y’all don’t have Ukraine. Like could they hide by trees? Also a medic troop would be really nice. Plus those who like to see the piles of the men who died can there be a setting to keep the corpses instead of despawning? Also AI needs to be a little smarter. Speaking of old towns we need more building items. It would be amazing to see a d-day map or an old town. Like could the game maybe be a little more in date? It crashes when I’m trying to make a good map! Also can we like make our own army like get stuff from other armies and combine it? Or like get upgrades and unlock more maps.

company of heroes 2 trench map

I mean it’s great and all but I’d love to see some more updates. Ok it’s a great game but I can see a few mistakes.

Company of heroes 2 trench map